5 Surefire Ways to Manage Stress

Maimoona Arshad
3 min readOct 11, 2023


Has your life become so fast that you struggle to juggle work, family and self-care? Do you find it all too overwhelming that it affects you psychologically and physiologically? It is stress and can cause long-term adverse effects if not appropriately managed. In 2017, 37 % of adults reported that their stress levels had increased over the past year.

But the good news is that you can manage your stress. Here are some surefire ways to manage stress so you can strive without mental strain.

1. Be Mindful

Do you find it challenging to stay in the present? Do you feel disconnected from your present? Do you constantly worry about the choices in your past or things that have not happened yet? This pattern is a significant source of stress. A practical method to tackle this pattern is gently bringing your focus to the task at hand. It can feel too difficult at first to practice, but believe us that it will reduce your stress levels by half.

2. Practice Deep Breathing

Have you noticed that your breathing becomes short and shallow when you are under stress? As we have talked about earlier, stress is both psychological and physiological. So, when you are under pressure, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in and causes your breathing to be short and shallow. The best method to tackle this is by practising deep breathing. You take a deep breath by counting to 5, hold your breath for 2 seconds and then release on the count of 5. This breathing pattern allows your sympathetic system to slow down and reduce the stress you are experiencing.

3. Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly

It is said that a sound mind is a good body. It is very accurate for managing stress. If your body depletes vital nutrients, it is easier to be affected by even minor stressors. It also worsens your reaction to the stressors. Conversely, exercise plays a significant role in maintaining your physical health and is proven to reduce stress. So, take care of your overall health so you can be immune to stress and fight successfully.

4. Invest Your Time in Hobbies

With technological advancement, our life has become so fast-paced that we barely take time for ourselves compared to our ancestors. Life is not all about work or meeting deadlines. It would help if you also slowed down, relax and take time for yourself. Investing your time in any hobby you love can reduce your stress levels. Your hobbies may be reading, watching movies, making pottery, knitting, painting, gardening, or any other activity you love. So start giving your hobby some time (15 to 20 minutes) daily and see the stress level decrease.

5. Connect with Others

We humans are social animals and are hard-wired to connect with others. Loneliness can even trigger stress. Having a few trusted and close relationships can immune you from stress. Talking to a loved one can significantly reduce your stress if you are stressed. So, ensure you have at least a few trustworthy and close human connections. They can be your friends, parents, siblings or spouse.

Bottom Line

In today’s demanding society, being stressed is normal. But the important thing is how you manage it. You can easily manage your stress by being mindful, practising deep breathing, taking care of your physical health, investing in your hobbies, and connecting with your loved ones.

If you find it hard to manage stress alone, seek professional help.

